Friday, March 30, 2012

Today......... =) Get up!

Hello! How are you doing??????  I hope you are well. Look: today is that day....  remember?....  That day that you are planning to start again!  Many plans maybe until now aren't working, but today is a special day. If you got to get up this morning, so I have to say to you that you are prepared to restart.  Everything will be all right. We are in the greater number of the times our own enemies, the worst enemies of ourselves. hehe...   In fact, we don't believe in ourselves for this reason many things don't work. When other person doesn't believe in us, it doesn't matter. But when we don't beleive in us it is a tragedy. Keep in mind that almost 99,99% of our plans tend to be not accepted for people. So don't tell your plans for anybody. They won't understand you. Believe in you and work to catch your dreams. It can be possible any time you want. 

Keep in mind other secret: sometimes to carry out dreams can take time. Be prepared to wait, but wait working like this you don't notice that the time is passing. Things tend to come faster. 

Go ahead! Take your time!   =)   And...........    good luck!

p.s. English is not my native language, so if you find some writing mistake: sorry. It is only a Brazilian person trying to share thoughts and make friends across the oceans. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Waiting in snow.......

The weather is coming hard today. Things have to happen, so I should face this weather.
I have to finish my life task. I have to face this weather.
I feel alone. I am alone, but I have to arrive.

Some plans, some choices.....    I have no choice. You have no choice.
I have to face this way. Welcome to life.
It is hard but extremely necessary.   To live is to have dreams to carry out indeed.

If you have dreams(some people tend to call it "plans", because dreams are to emotive people), go up there and work to carry it out.
Take your time but don't give up!  =)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Searching after something......

Sometimes things seem to stay by our side, but other moment they seem to be so far away.........  Our dreams usually trick us. No. We trick ourselves. 

We always got to find something to put the fault on.   Did you already perceive it?

Where is our courage?       Why are we always looking for something so far away? So difficult.......    Maybe our way doesn't have these rocks. If they are there so it is the moment to work with them.

"A busca e o encontro do caminho não é difícil, o difícil é ter coragem de segui-lo." 
(Fernando Bergamaschi)

/The searching and the meet of the way is not hard, it is hard to follow it."/