Thursday, March 27, 2014

Life conditions!

Why things happened in that way?!?
It's time to think about the happenings and grow with them!  ...with no complains or sadness.

Picture from:

Thursday, March 20, 2014


When sun rises, it means that a new opportunity is shining to us.
A  opportunity to take care of those we love, to help a stranger, to consider learning something new.
The problem is that most of the times we do not notice all these opportunties.

Picture from:

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Frustrations of life...

I think we have much more to learn with nature than the opposit. The nature around us(if we are not in cities, of course) shows and proves each new moment that life can emerge even at inhospitable places. What could we say about our lives?  That sometimes it is faced as an inhospitable place where everything seems to work against us.

When things don't flow as we expect, we get sad. When people don't give us the hand we expect we probably get sad. When time passes, we get sad.      ...and in this sadness background, most of the time we get frustrated.   However, the background change when we stop a little to think about all the problems we are passing through.   The surprising end can reveal that many of our frustrations stuck in events that we had to act but we waited for others instead. Fortunately, our life doesn't depende on the other choices...  But it is something we spend long periods of life to realize.  It is not all of a sudden.

This week I had the opportunity to read a wonderful thought by Nietzsche that changed completely my mind towards the frustrations of life. Let's take a look at it: 

Nobody can build the bridge for you to walk across the river of life, no one but you yourself alone. There are, to be sure, countless paths and bridges and demi-gods which would carry you across this river; but only at the cost of yourself; you would pawn yourself and lose. There is in the world only one way, on which nobody can go, except you: where does it lead? Do not ask, go along with it.

Now draw your own conclusions about life.

I have drawn some...

Sometimes we expect more from the others than from ourselves. But nobody can live our life or, in other words, build the bridge we need to walk across the river of life... like said the philosopher. So how we can put on other hands our happiness... We cannot do it, because it is not possible, even we sometimes think it is.

Think about it! 

Picture from:

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Where is the main problem?

"Remember that the world was not created only to you." André Luiz

The quote above made me think about life...  the wars and about so many problems people around the world are facing just now when I am writing this post.    I arrived at a conclusion that if our life is not good, maybe the problem can be in ourselves - the way I look to life is the main problem.

If I get to look to other lifes around me I can discover that my life is perfect. Simple, but perfect.

If things are not flowing as I expect, maybe I should only thank the moment.
I have been learning that I'm in trouble when I got a simple problem and turned it into a big one to discover at the end that it never existed.

Life can be simple and perfect when we start thinking about others and about the way we can help only for the pleasure of being helpful...

Friday, January 24, 2014


It's so easy to write and talk about peace when things in life are going well.
But what I see each new day is less amount of people happy even having everything they need around them.
The current days force us to stop seeing the nature for keeping our days full of worries instead.  This is a problem we have to handle. Who's thinking about it now?  We are always in a hurry.

The birds have no worries and their life is flowing in the same way, because God is protecting them all the time.  He is also protecting us too, now and ever... even those who aren't believe in his existence.